Integrate Frequent Formative Practice
Questions are saved in our quiz bank which can be accessed when creating new quizzes
Just in Time Feedback and Video Explanations
Students get instant check and feedback on their response. They can reattempt questions and they do not get penalized for their mistakes. They are further supplemented with video hints and explanations so that their misconceptions are addressed before moving on to the next question.
Receive Analytics Inspired Actions
Instructors receive targeted 'Actions' backed by analytics to identify at-risk students earlier and provide them with adequate scaffolding in their learning journey.
For Students
Prepare for the in-class activities for a flipped class and improve your learning outcomes by engaging in adaptive quizzing experience.
For Instructors
YANTRA is a whole new insight and analysis tool for flipped classes that is able to help your students to be prepared before they come to the class and assist you to design the most valuable in-class learning experience for your students.